Download & Install

Quick Install

To get started quickly, ensure Python 3.6+ is installed on your system.

Step 1: Set up a Python virtual environment (optional)

Setting up a virtual environment will keep your installation seperate from any other Python packages that you have installed and allows you to manage different versions of Python easily. This step is optional but recommended.

Option 1: virtualenv

Navigate to a directory where you want the virtual environment to be located.


python3 -m pip install virtualenv
python3 -m venv icu

Linux / MacOS

python3 -m pip install virtualenv
python3 -m venv icu
source icu/bin/activate

In both cases the virtual environment can be deactivated with deactivate.

For more information and support for using virtualenv see here.

Option 2: Anaconda

Install Anaconda.

conda create -n icu python=3.6
conda activate icu

The virtual environment can be deactivated with deactivate.

Step 2: Install

Use the command below to install ICU.

pip install icu

Install from source

ICU can be installed from source (requires git).

git clone
pip install ICU

Step 3: Run

You can verify your installation by running ICU with the following command:

python3 -m ICU

This will run the system with the default configuration. If everything is working, head over to documentation to start configuring the system.